We are in a difficult season, experiencing chaos in society, great wars on the horizon, and the anticipation of great upheavals to come. If you know Scripture, you know that the horses of Revelation chapter 6 are riding. This truly is that season of "Soon and not yet" as we await the coming of Yeshua/Jesus, our Deliverer. There are three people very dear to me, whom I have loved for many years, who are very near their time of passing. My prayer-heart beats for them continually and my intercessions go up without ceasing; and in the midst of this, I continue this journey with my sweet husband.
While we wait, we are still "occupying" as the Lord told us to do, and some of us are growing weary indeed. So, I want to share with you what the Lord recently spoke to me. With Bible in hand, I asked Him to guide my fingers, that I might open to a page where He would reveal His heart to me. I was so surprised at where my Bible opened! Daniel 6:19: At the first light of dawn the king got up and hurried to the lions' den. When he came near the den, he called to Daniel in an anguished voice, "Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God whom you serve continually been able to rescue you from the lions?" Daniel answered, "O King, live forever! My God sent His angel and he shut up the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me because I was found innocent in his sight." The king was overjoyed and when Daniel was lifted from the den, NO WOUND WAS FOUND ON HIM BECAUSE HE HAD TRUSTED HIS GOD!" I paused, took a deep breath and let those powerful words immerse my spirit. Then I heard the Lord say, "Trust Me. I will walk you though this and one day the sweet memories of caring for your husband will be a blessing to you. No wound will be found on you! You will emerge unscathed like Daniel! Be strong and do not give up for your work will be rewarded. (2 Chron. 15:7) I know that this is not just a word for me, but for so many of you, who are walking through challenging and difficult seasons. You wonder if what you are doing is enough. You wonder if your life pleases God. You wonder if a dear family member or friend who is ill will make it through. We wonder as we wander through the maze of these days and God says, "Just trust me. I know the attack against you felt like roaring lions surrounding you. I know the persecution from unbelievers is heartbreaking and I know it's splitting up families. But trust Me. I will walk you through this and one day the sweet memories of helping the "least of these," and the great encouragement you felt as you took a stand for ME will be a reward and a blessing to you. Be strong and do not give up for your work and your faith will be rewarded." There is more and more researched information coming out about this April 8th solar eclipse, friends, and I see God's handprint, His signature, written across this nation. More and more my spirit feels the urgency of these heavenly signs and God's call to be bold and share Yeshua/Jesus to as many as we can. I now truly believe the time is short. The Hebrew letters Aleph and Tav are on full display as we put the paths of the three solar eclipses from 2017, 2023 and 2024 overlaid on a map of the United States. And these ancient, biblical letters just seem to SHOUT, "BEHOLD I AM COMING SOON! MY REWARD IS WITH ME; AND I WILL GIVE TO EVERYONE ACCORDING TO WHAT HE HAS DONE. I AM THE ALEPH AND THE TAV, THE FIRST AND THE LAST, THE BEGINNING AND THE END! (Rev. 22:12-23) SINCE YOU HAVE KEPT MY COMMAND TO ENDURE PATIENTLY, I WILL ALSO KEEP YOU FROM THE HOUR OF TRIAL THAT IS GOING TO COME UPON THE WHOLE WORLD TO TEST THOSE WHO LIVE ON THE EARTH. I AM COMING SOON. HOLD ONTO WHAT YOU HAVE SO THAT NO ONE WILL TAKE YOUR CROWN." (Rev. 3:10-11) The command is to "endure patiently" and to "hold onto what we have." I can see now why He led me to the passage on Daniel in the lion's den. Daniel endured patiently and held onto the one thing that he had: an unwavering faith in his God. So the angel came and "shut the mouth of the lions" and Daniel emerged from that indescribably horrific trial unscathed. No wound was found on him. And the king was overjoyed - even as our Aleph-Tav King will be overjoyed with us as we endure patiently, trust in Him, and hold onto our faith, which will be our crown!
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AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
February 2025