Absolute silence. How I am learning to treasure it as some treasure fine silver! Everything is too loud in this world, too complicated, too noisy, too overwhelming. Silence. Yes, it's far greater than silver; silence is golden!
John's thirteen-year-old grandson just came to live with us. I enrolled him in the middle school here and he begins classes this Wednesday. Suddenly from out of nowhere I am mom to a young teenager again; and the world has changed so much since I raised teenagers that my head and mind are reeling. The moment his plane landed we had to head to the nearest cell phone store. A 7th grader can be without shoes or even without lunch, but without a cell phone? Never! "Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Skype, Instagram," he spouted proudly. "I'm on them all!" How does one ever find the time to be with one's Creator when all that social media bombards the senses every waking hour? I am exhausted just from the thought of it! I went shopping today for the Door of Hope, as we needed a new Power Point projector for our worship services and also decided we should probably get a small flash memory camera so that we could record the messages and upload them to Youtube. "That is where the people are," I am told. In my many years of traveling across the globe to the nations to spread the Gospel of Jesus, I met people face-to-face! I put my arms around them and shared God's love with them. I had tea in their homes in Nepal, gave out tiny stuffed animals to children in the Dominican Republic, sang to the women in Russian prisons. But now - in 2015 - I am told that the whole world is searching for information and finding what they are looking for on Youtube videos. And so I will spend time tomorrow learning how to operate this camera and how to upload the teachings onto Youtube so that people in Africa looking on their cell phones might find me teaching on "Trusting a God You've Never Seen." I feel old and behind the times and sadly lacking in energy and enthusiasm for all this technology. It seems cold embracing a camera and a keyboard after years of embracing real people. But if this is where they are - in their homes and on the streets, their faces glued to their little screens - then I will do my best to still reach them where they are! Please take time to see my small effort at bringing the Word of God into others' homes and hearts. There is still a passionate message bubbling up from my belly, a deep call to repent and return to Yeshua, our First Love. There is still time before the Day of Atonement to make ourselves ready for the Bridegroom. Here is the link to our new Youtube channel, and I will be blessed if you will subscribe and listen in once in a while. I've posted videos of my teachings as well as Mike Clayton's from the powerful week at Camp Exodus July 26-31. And please pray for John and me to find the strength, the energy, and the creativity to make a difference in the life of a 7th grader. At least I can put my arms around him! Shalom, Kelly
AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
February 2025