Depending on how long you've been reading this Blog, you may recall a time back in 2004/2005 when I spent six months in Jerusalem at the Jerusalem House of Prayer for All Nations. It was a life-changing experience, to say the least! And one of the greatest treasures to come out of that remarkable time is that I have been able to keep in touch with quite a few of the precious people, from all over the globe, who were with me during that time. I'm so grateful to still be in touch with a woman in Bulgaria, who actually brought John and me over to minister in some Bulgarian churches right after we got married. It will be such a privilege to be able to send funds directly to her to help buy food and supplies for a number of Ukranian refugees. And then, a great Christ-light full of joy - my brother Philip from Kenya - came bursting into my home on Saturday, after visiting with some family in Colorado. It's hard to describe this awesome young man of God. He was only 22 when we were in Israel together, just a kid in love with Jesus. He played guitar and led worship for us all with my precious friend Nikki from Indonesia. We sat on my sofa for a couple of hours looking through the pictures of those amazing days in Jerusalem, and it did something powerful in my spirit as I re-visited the faces from the Philippines, Germany, France, Kenya, South Africa, Czech Republic, India, United Kingdom, Vietnam, Russia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Singapore, and the USA. I felt like my heart was exploding! My heart has always beat for the nations, but it has been a long time now since I've been able to experience the unbridled joy of worshiping with peoples of many tribes and tongues, waving our banners and dancing before the Lord! Philip's passion for reaching the nations for Christ - as well as his own neighborhood and workplace - was indeed contagious! After a simple shared lunch we entered into time of anointed prayer and a powerful sharing of the Bread and the Cup together, tears streaming down our faces. Then, as quickly as he had arrived, he left. And the next day I found myself feeling somewhat sorrowful because I could not just buy a ticket to "Wherever the Spirit Wants to Blow Me" and board a plane like I used to do! So I picked up my Bible to find a word of the LORD that might console me. I'm still actually reeling from the revelation He poured into my heart as I read: In that day the Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples; the nations will rally to him, and his resting place will be glorious. In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean. He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. (Isaiah 11:10-12) It was as if the Lord was reminding me that I WILL again be gathered in Israel with all His people from all the nations! IN THAT DAY! THE DAY OF THE LORD! The Day when Yeshua returns to Earth to judge all the nations and to establish His glorious Kingdom in Jerusalem! He will stand as a banner for the peoples - the nations will rally to Him - and I will be with them! His resting place will be glorious. What does this mean? His resting place is Shabbat - the 7th day - which represents the 7000th year! A thousand years of Sabbath rest, where all God's people are gathered together and He will dwell with us! We will again worship Him in Jerusalem, as ONE UNITED PEOPLE. What we experienced in Jerusalem was only a tiny foretaste of what is coming. Despite the ugliness and tragedy of war, the threat of more pestilence, the rising prices and the displaced people, there IS a "second Exodus" - a great deliverance - coming. Our Messiah WILL "reach out His hand a second time to reclaim the Remnant of His people." Again the kaleidescope of colorful banners will be raised, the people from all the nations will worship as ONE, and my heart will be exploding for a thousand years in the Presence of the Great King! I wonder if Philip will get to play the guitar? I'm certain of it.
I I would imagine the name Dumitru Duduman is not new to most of you. John introduced me to his prophecies some years back when we first met. He became famous in the Church in America after immigrating here from Romania and then delivered his PROPHECIES TO AMERICA by traveling all over this country and speaking in churches. The prophetic word he received from the LORD in 1996 is remarkably lining up with our nightly news this week. In fact, as I listened to the news this morning on the war in Ukraine and the continued advancement of Russian troops, as well as new alliances among world leaders being formed, I realized that I needed to go find the folder where I had stuck a printed copy of Dumitru's prophecy so I could re-read it. It feels to me as if the whole world is a giant chess board right now, and the pieces, as represented by global leaders, are moving almost too rapidly to keep up with!
I would encourage you to read this Dumitru Duduman PROPHECY TO AMERICA by clicking this link: There are many stunning parts to this prophecy, but the one that left me feeling immeasurably blessed and encouraged was the part about the "heavenly army, dressed in white." The angel speaking to Dumitru asked, "Do you see that? This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident." This must be some powerful, supernatural deliverance, perhaps for those too young, too old, or too weak to escape or to defend themselves. But whatever their physical or mental state, they are clearly given supernatural help because of their enduring, unwavering faith in Jesus. This concept was imparted also through a prophetic word given by Glynda Lomax on August 26, 2021. She wrote what she heard from the LORD: "My children, why do you worry over what is coming to the earth? Do not hasten to the enemy's whispers that you cannot survive, for do you not know I planned it all long ago? I have long known you would live in this time and that you would be Mine. I already have a plan for an increased anointing to help each of My true children walk out their faith to the end. You who worship Me will be so in tune with My Spirit in the very end that you will not feel fear, but will actually anticipate your martyrdom, as it means you will be reunitd with Me and in My presence forever after. Oh, My children, you did not think I would leave you without help in the darkest time in the history of the earth, did you? Isaiah 10:27: And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. (Credit to Glynda Lomax, Just Praise Him) Clearly in each of these words, the Lord is making it clear that His own faithful believers will be called to "endure to the end," as Scripture tells us. We are not out of here "before anything bad happens." As a pastor of mine used to say, "Believers will not be raptured out, sitting on clouds, sipping iced tea, while the Jews battle for their very lives and endure the dark days of the Tribulation." The book of Revelation is written to the saints (the believers in Messiah Yeshua) who will surely encounter terrible persecution, pestilence and famine, and yes, some will face death for the sake of their faith in Yeshua (Jesus Christ). But these prophecies above give us reassurance and even joy in knowing that God knows who would be on the earth when these things begin to happen, and the same kind of anointing he gave to the martyr Stephen will be given to us. Stephen did not feel fear. He was so in tune with the Spirit that he literally saw heaven open, and Yeshua and his angels ready to receive him into eternal life. I believe that is the kind of anointing of which the Lord speaks. (Read Acts 7:54-60) Then the angel asked, "Do you see that? This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident." |
AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
January 2025