"I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves." Zechariah 12:2-3
Ever since I spent those five life-changing months in Jerusalem, my eyes have been continually fixed on her, my heart beating with her own throbbing pulse. People ask me continually why the world and the news media are so fixated upon Israel and Jerusalem - this tiny land, the size of Vermont! The answer is so very simple: it is because the eyes and the heart of the Creator of the Universe are forever focused right there! Jerusalem - the ONLY city where God chose to put His own Name; the place where He brought forth creation, the place where His Son shed His blood to reconcile Himself back to a sinful creation! The nations and religions of the earth vie for control of this place. It is the most coveted piece of real estate in the Universe - and the navel of this land is the Temple Mount. This week we feel the pulsating tension over the Temple Mount. Gun shots, rioting, convulsions of rage fill the streets there, and blood is flowing in homes of the innocent. All these chaotic scenes of this past week cause my memory to flash back to 2005, when I was living up on the Mount of Olives and the Muslim Feast of Ramadan broke out in wild gun shots, drunken revelry and closed-off streets. At my window, overlooking all this chaos, I was praying for the peace of Jerusalem, when God gave me a vision. I saw a great, radiant, flowing form seated on an enormous throne, and His feet were propped upon a footstool! I was in awe at the scene and then the Spirit spoke to me: "I am not wringing My hands over this mess in Jerusalem. Do I look frightened and anxious to you? Am I not reclining, with my feet upon a footstool? Who does that if they are worried or afraid of what is happening? I tell you, Heaven is My throne and the earth is my footstool. (Isa 66:1) Do not swear at all, either by heaven, for it is God's throne or by the earth, for it is His footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the City of the Great King." (Matt 5:35) I remember being overwhelmed by this vision and these words from the Spirit, and I recall them now, as we begin to see the stage being set for Zechariah's prophecies. Satan is stirring up the nations of the earth against Jerusalem, only because it truly is the City of the Great King, the very location of the future Kingdom of Messiah Yeshua. He said: “Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet. This is where I will live among the Israelites forever. The people of Israel will never again defile my holy name—neither they nor their kings..." (Ezekiel 43:7) Hallelujah!
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We are holding much before the Lord right now for His discernment. He is teaching me once again to ask questions as I experience things in my normal, daily life. My car was making a loud noise in the front wheel so I took it in for repair. The mechanic told me, "You don't just need one new bearing, you need two. They are both worn out." The car got two new bearings and then my dryer broke down, after a few weeks of loud squealing and moaning! The mechanic came out. "It's a bearing problem."
I sat in the Colorado sunshine and mused, "What is a bearing anyway, and what does it do?" Wikipedia offers this definition: A bearing is a machine element that constrains relative motion to only the desired motion, and reduces friction between moving parts. Constrains motion to only the DESIRED motion. Reduces friction. Oh, how the Spirit speaks to me in these ways that are seemingly small and yet so profound! This last season has been one filled with friction. Have you noticed? The enemy has been waging a total assault on the people of God, constraining their ability to move in HIS desired motion! The friction manifests in discouragement and weariness. I sat for a moment with that word: DIS-COURAGEMENT. Yes. I see it more clearly that way. The enemy has stolen our courage. And it is courage and faith that allows us to move in God's desired motion.The Spirit led me to Hebrews 12:12-13: "Therefore strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. Make level paths for your feet so that the lame may not be disabled [discouraged], but rather healed!" We went through a year of pain and illness and weariness. Friction! We were squealing and failing. Our forward motion - what God DESIRED for us - was disabled. We had a "BEARING PROBLEM!" Does this resonate with anyone else out there? I have heard from several people who operate in prophetic ministry that this past season was an "all-out assault of the enemy to literally TAKE OUT the pastors, teachers, evangelists and called-ones of the LORD." And it is not going to get easier; the friction is going to increase, constraining and disabling more and more people. But we have called the High Mechanic and He has shown us the problem. We will use His Word to strengthen our feeble arms and weak knees and make a level path to come against the friction! We will move forward, by faith, in HIS desired motion, and we will prevail! I pray that this word speaks to others who are under much attack. It is a bearing problem! |
AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
February 2025