My beloved friends in Messiah,
I feel led to share with you what I wrote in my journal last night - including the direct word from the Lord I received at about 3:10 this morning. Here is what I wrote: I got into bed and the clock read 11:11 (p.m.). Since then I've tossed, turned, yawned, struggled, and finally turned on the light. The clock read 1:11 (a.m.) What does it mean? I think it means that the "midnight hour" of God's eternal plan is here. "At midnight the cry rings out, "The Bridegroom is here!" And that must become my TOTAL FOCUS. Afghanistan falling apart, marines dying, the innocent suffering, terrorists reigning there and soon they will be attacking and "reigning" here in this country. Why? Because the devil has been given reign in the earth. America will NOT be "great again." Our cry must be, "Make God Great Again! The Holy One of Israel!" I must not be the only one hearing these exhortations from the Spirit. Todd from Sh'ma Israel Ministries just wrote, "We have been warned of the coming judgments and our job is to get out of the way, stay pure and undefiled, prepare, and keep oil in our lamps!" He added, "Patriotism can sometimes be in direct opposition to the Kingdom of Elohim and you need to determine where your true loyalties lie." Those words struck a deep chord in me, and so after a night of mostly tossing and turning, and with my little night light now on, I took pen and paper in my hand and asked the Holy Spirit to please speak to me and give me understanding of these things. Here is what I heard in my spirit. I know these are my Father's words because He sought to correct me on some things and set my path straight! 'My child, you lack sleep because you worry too much. You are not counting on ME to provide for your needs. Don't you trust Me? I do not leave my children begging bread! You are resistant to go but if I tell you to go, you must be ready. And you must be willing to share that which you have stored up. Let go of your patriotism. Your nation is poor, blind and naked. Come out of her, My people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive any of her plagues. Her sins are piled up to heaven and God has remembered her crimes. (Rev. 18:4). Now turn your eyes from these things in the News and stay close to Me in My Word. You WILL be separated from friends and family who remain in Babylon. Many have already made their decisions. Many are yet in the Valley of Decision. The message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved, it is the POWER OF GOD. (1 Cor 1:18). You will receive My power when it is time. For now, My Power is in My Word and My Word must be in you. Jews demand miraculous signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified (1 Cor. 1:22). There is wonder-working power in the Blood of the Lamb. Let this one simple, eternal Truth reign in you supremely." This one "simple, eternal Truth." The Blood of the Lamb. God caused a second witness of this to be spoken to me at about 10:00 this morning as I was watching a teaching by Pastor Tony Scott. He said, "Revelation 12:11 reminds us of the key to our overcoming in these last, difficult days. They overcame him (Satan) by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the word of their testimony." THIS is how the battle will be won, friends. As the Lord said to me, "You worry too much. You are not counting on Me to provide for your needs." What will my needs be? Bread? He can rain manna down from the sky! Water? He can bring forth water from the Rock! What He has done before He will do again (see Ecclesiastes 3:15). As a third witnesss of what our Lord is saying to us in this hour, I'm copying a paragraph out of a prophetic word issued today, August 27, 2021, by Glynda Lomax: Keep Me in your hearts and minds and draw near to Me every hour. In this way, I will strengthen you and guide you through the maze you are now faced with. Do not fear lack for I alone am your protection and your provision. In this way, you get to know Me better. Learn from those who have walked these paths before you and strive to stay in My peace when the enemy tries to terrify you. God has made us to be subjects of HIS Kingdom. The time has come for His sheep to hear His Voice and come out of the nations, preparing our hearts to enter the realm of the Kingdom of God! Pastor Scott said, "The people who are directed by God are the ones who listen to His direction! Eternal living is as important as eternal life." In other words, seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, and THEN all these things shall be added unto you! Stay pure, stay undefiled, prepare, and keep oil in your lamps! Turn your eyes from the things on the News. Then... Turn your eyes on Yeshua, look full in His wonderful face And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace
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AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
February 2025