I wonder how many others besides myself are feeling like you're witnessing a huge, roaring steam locomotive racing down the track toward you, and you are tied to one of the rails, watching this fast-advancing train but powerless to do anything about it. You cry out to God and His answer is "Wait on Me. Trust Me."
We live in perilous times, even as our Master Yeshua told us about, and we think we should be able to do some great exploits to avoid the collision we see coming, but we really don't know what to do. Like so many other Americans I have been feeling this great urge, this deep desire to pack everything up and leave this blue state and escape to where the governments are more Godly and the laws more in line with His His Law; but every time I begin to seriously consider a move, Father says "Wait." That led me to a blog I wrote back on 2/7/2017, which gave this word from the Lord: Patience, child. From complexity to simplicity. I work while you wait. Your wait is NOT inactive; wait upon Me as a waiter waits upon his table. Keep your focus on Me and attend to the small needs at My table. Then....because you have kept the WORD OF MY PATIENCE, I will also keep you from the tribulation that will come upon the whole world." (Rev. 3:10) How then do we prepare for the coming wars and collapses?
"This is the best time to prepare our spirits, so that when the turbulent times come we may be able to stand. Be awake and have great zeal in the work of God." I think I'm finally starting to get it. Keeping the WORD OF HIS PATIENCE is lived out by my willingness to wait on Him, to be awake, alive, and willing to do the small assignments He entrusts me with every day. He is asking me to learn to live in the moment; to be present with Him in the day I am in. He works while I wait, because HE is doing the work in my heart, testing my faithfulness. God does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. These are the same tests He used with the children of Israel as they made their own journeys through the wilderness. Deuteronomy 8:2: "Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart. Breathe deeply and connect with His Sprit and His heartbeat. Move from complexity to simplicity. Be awake and have great zeal in the work that God is doing - in YOU!
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AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
February 2025