In one of my last blogs I wrote about "the mark of the beast." A couple of people responded by strongly encouraging me to write again and strongly warn my readers NOT to "take the vaccine!" I decided to pray over this for a while before sending out another blog.
Will I personally take the COVID-19 vaccine? No. I have never taken a flu shot in my life, nor has my husband. I believe our immune systems have stayed very strong because of it. But that is only my opinion! Are there concerns about this new App from Apple/Google that will begin tracing and tracking us and all the people we are in contact with? Yes, of course I'm concerned. I see all these things as "the beginning of birth pains" and I know the dots are connecting to form the New World Order spoken of in Scripture. I see the chaos in all the nations, and the hatred and violence erupting in our own nation. I understand that the goal of the New World Order will be to control the world's population and to wipe out the believers in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am a Watchman, I read and study and do all I can to heed Yeshua's warning "Watch that you are not deceived" (Matt. 24:4). That is the very FIRST thing he said in response to his disciples question, "What will be the sign of your coming?" But having said all that, and after an extensive time of prayer over the last few weeks about what I should write in this next blog, I am firmly convinced that the LORD has told me NOT to focus on vaccines and tracking devices and collapsing economies. We can all see these things for ourselves and SHOULD all be praying for the constant leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit, to help us navigate these troubled times. So, the Spirit reminded me that this Blog is not only about keeping watch, but now even more about keeping FOCUSED on YESHUA/JESUS, our Deliverer! And in a powerful, excellent video I watched this morning by Norm and Deborah Franz (Ascension Ministries), I definitely got re-focused OFF the mark of the Beast and ON THE MARK OF GOD. This is where we must put our attention now! What is this mark and how do we get it? I give credit to Norm and Deborah for connecting all the dots of Scripture for us (and am including a link to their video below), but I knew at once that I must write and share them with you to study out for yourselves. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your hearts and your minds as you read these Scriptures, and then, as James warned, "Do not merely listen to the Word and so deceive yourselves; DO WHAT IT SAYS!" God's Mark on His people is established through these EVERLASTING COVENANTS He has made with His people. Please read them for yourselves and be encouraged! Genesis 9:12-17 - the Rainbow Genesis 17:11-12, Ezekiel 20:20 - the Sabbaths (this covenant is everlasting and has never changed! THE KEEPING OF HIS SABBATH ON THE SEVENTH DAY MARKS US AS HIS OWN!) Exodus 12:13 - the BLOOD OF THE LAMB - a distinguishing mark on the house where you live AND on your heart! Exodus 13:8-10 - GOD MARKS A SIGN ON THE HAND AND FOREHEAD OF THOSE WHO REMEMBER AND KEEP THE PASSOVER AND THE FEASTS OF THE LORD Ezekiel 9:4 - those who sigh and groan over the detestable things done in the world are MARKED WITH THE MARK OF GOD. (Also read 2 Peter :7-8 - God knows how to rescue Godly men from trials) John 6:27-28 - God has set his SEAL on those who work for food that endures to eternal life. (A SEAL is an eternal mark that protects and secures) 2 Timothy 2:19 - God's solid foundation stands firm, SEALED with this inscription: "THE LORD KNOWS THOSE WHO ARE HIS!" Ephesians 1:13-14 - Having believed, you were MARKED IN HIM WITH A SEAL, the promised Holy Spirit 2 Cor. 1:21-22 - He SEALED us and gave us the Spirit as a pledge of what is to come Rev. 9:4 - They (locust/demons) were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, BUT ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO DID NOT HAVE THE SEAL OF GOD ON THEIR FOREHEADS! We just experienced a Passover like no other. We were shut in our homes like ancient Israel. John took the blood of the lamb we were preparing to roast and spread it across the top of our door frames on the front and back of our house. It is still there and it will remain there, as a SIGN that we are MARKED BY GOD AS HIS OWN. Now we are one day away from the Celebration of Shavu'ot (or Pentecost) when the Torah was given to the people of Israel at Mt. Sinai, and then fulfilled again when 3,000 people were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in other tongues. What powerful thing will the LORD do tomorrow, after counting off seven full weeks since Passover/Firstfuits, and then lifting up two loaves of bread and waving them as firstfruits before the LORD? You could argue and say that Yeshua/Jesus has already fulfilled all of this in his death, burial and resurrection, and then His sending of the Holy Spirit, and you would be right! But what if the LORD is still looking down from Heaven to find those who burn with desire to be SEALED AS HIS, through the keeping of His everlasting word and His eternal Moedim (appointed times/feasts)? What if these things are truly setting us apart from the wickedness of the world and the apathy of the masses, and what if the desire in our minds (FOREHEADS) and the doing with our HANDS seals us with an ETERNAL MARK OF GOD? It is true that we will, one day, have to make an eternal decision about which mark we choose and to whom we will give our worship, perhaps even under the threat of martyrdom. So tomorrow, as I personally celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, I will be earnestly praying, and crying out, with all my heart, for a FRESH OUTPOURING AND SEALING OF THE RUACH HAKODESH, THE HOLY SPIRIT, to empower me to be an overcomer through the tribulations ahead, able to survive when I cannot buy or sell in the Beast System, being MARKED by God and found faithful to the end! Link to the Video:
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AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
January 2025