As a watchman on the wall I continue to be blown away by the increasing signs and events God is using to SPEAK to us. More and more revelation comes forth about the solar eclipse on April 8 (4/8). Troy Brewer of Open Door Church points out that 4/8 corresponds to Exodus 4:8, which says "If they do not believe you or heed the message of the first sign (American Solar Eclipse of 2017) they may believe the message of the second sign (American solar eclipse of 2024). Through the first sign Almighty God highlighted the cities named Salem, (shalom) and thus prophesied that He would give us seven years of peace, in which to repent of the great sin of the nation. Through the second sign our God emphasizes the cities of Nineveh, which speaks of Jonah's call to ancient Nineveh to repent and return to the Lord. So, for those who did not see and hear the signs and words communicated to us by God in the first eclipse of 2017, there is still one more chance. And this time the messages and the signs are many; some as planets aligning across the universe in a spectacular display, some as insects like locusts (cicadias) emerging up out of the earth by the billions near the New Madrid Fault line, and some in the form of lightning and earthquake. Below I'm copying a post from Bill Koenig's website yesterday: Top News
Our God is not quiet nor is he subtle. He is speaking with pinpoint clarity, as with a megaphone to the United States of America! He is shining a lightning-blistering flashlight on those in our Congress who are calling for a cancellation of the decision to send Israel more military arms and support and advocating for a Palestinian state in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Besides this extremely rare earthquake near New York City, He also caused a lightning bolt to strike the Statue of Liberty and it was caught on camera. These warnings are very real, my friends, and they are emanating from the heart of a Sovereign, All-Powerful God who is watching over His Land and His people Israel, and warning America that to withdraw our support from our ally, Israel, will cause Him to respond with great disasters upon our own land. This pattern is proven by history and can be found in Bill Koenig's book Eye to Eye: Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel. Bill writes, "God promised that He would bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants and curse those who curse them. Many world leaders believe that Israel is the key to peace when in reality the continued pressure upon Israel and the subsequent events will rapidly lead the world into the final battle - the battle of Armageddon - the battle for Jerusalem." We know God has clearly stamped His handprint on this April 8th solar eclipse, as I have stated before. He is using His original Hebrew language to illustrate His message and His urgency. The pathways of these three eclipses across America form Hebrew letters Aleph - meaning strength and authority, and Tav - meaning mark, sign or signature. Jesus Himself tells us He is coming soon and He is the "Aleph and the Tav" - the first letter and the last, the beginning and the end. And so, I have done much poring over maps this past week to try to find His mark also on the place where the April 8th eclipse departs the United States. We know it enters at Eagle Pass, Texas, but where does it depart? I've struggled to find exact towns in Maine where the eclipse exits our nation, but suddenly my eyes fell upon two cities that I believe must be in the totality or very close. The towns are named Shin Pond and Smyrna Mills! This might not jolt your spirit as it did mine, so please allow me to explain. In Revelation 2:10 the Lord Yeshua/Jesus reveals to the Apostle John about the church in Smyrna, encouraging them not to fear the things they are about to suffer in persecution. He says, "Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life." Even more stunning is the word Shin! The Shin is the 21st letter of the Hebrew language. Its literal meaning is "teeth" but I have always known it to be representative of Shaddai. El Shaddai is one of the Hebrew names of God that means "God Almighty" or "The Overpowerer." On the website I read, "The SHIN is symbolic of the SECOND COMING, the consummation of God's Covenant, the FULLNESS of time." That took my breath away! Could it be possible that this eclipse on April 8, 2024, this "Sign of Jonah," is a last-days warning to us that our Messiah Yeshua, the Aleph and the Tav, is coming very soon and we must be ready? He will be stamping His mark across our nation, in deep meanings, urging us to repent and return to Him before it's too late. There will be many who consider this eclipse to be an excuse for a big, reveling party. I sense that our Loving El Shaddai, Almighty God, is trying to reach them before they miss the REAL party, the Second Coming of Messiah Yeshua, the consummation of God's Covenant, His Glorious Eternal Kingdom Reign! Shabbat Shalom!
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January 2025