In the world things feel unsettled...unresolved. Arguably, we are about to experience the most unprecedented, historic Supreme Court decision in U.S. history. Red vs. Blue. Black and white. No more grey. What can we do to restore peace to our weary souls and begin to feel settled again?
A few nights ago I had a dream in which I was selling my house. The prospective buyer was with me in the back yard, looking at my little garden plots, when we heard a loud crash from the front. I ran to see what had happened and witnessed a large garbage truck running into my garage and tearing the front door off! Apparently I had a yard sale going on in the front of my house and I also saw that the tables had been ransacked and my expensive jewelry that I had put out to sell had been stolen. I awoke with a start and lay there pondering the dream and then I heard that Still, Small Voice speak to me: "Hold things lightly and be prepared to let things go." I knew this word was an important part of the answer to my question. "What can we do to restore peace to our weary souls?" Letting go of the things of this world is undoubtedly step #1. My mind wandered back in time about 20 years to my period of trying to re-build my life after the devastation of divorce and the end to my international ministry. I had moved to Florida for a year of geographic change, trying to clear my head, and find a place where I could shut myself in with the Lord and come into deep intimacy with him. When I left to make the trip, I was following my U-Haul truck, driven by a friend. I heard the Spirit ask me, "How would you feel if everything you owned in that truck suddenly went off the road, crashed down the hill and was gone?" I gave that question serious consideration and then found myself calmly smiling and responding, "It would be okay. It would really be okay. It's just stuff." I truly was in that settled, peaceful place then. I had learned that no things could bring me peace or joy or contentment. I believe our Father is calling us to get into that place again now. As our nation plunges into a time of chaos, possibly great war, and perhaps even loss of homes, food or electricity, how will we cope? What will matter to us then? The dream of the torn-up house and stolen possessions was undoubtedly prophetic of times to come. I truly believe God is getting ready to shake everything that can be shaken, even as He prophesied through the writer of the book of Hebrews: "...At that time His voice shook the earth, but now He has promised, 'Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens. The words 'once more' indicate the removing of what can be shaken - that is, created things - so that what cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God!" (Hebrews 12:26-28) This Derek Prince devotional which I am copying below speaks so powerfully to me. Derek helps us get anchored to that which cannot be shaken - so that we no longer feel unsettled or unresolved or shaken. I hope it blesses you and inspires you to HOLD THINGS LIGHTLY AND BE PREPARED TO LET GO. In letting go of the world and clinging to the Torah of God, we will receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken! Psalm 119:92–93 If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have renewed my life. One thing is certain in this world, we’re not going to escape affliction forever. At some time or other, each of us is going to know the meaning of that word affliction. In the New Testament the apostles told the new Christian congregation that we must, through much tribulation (or affliction) enter into the Kingdom of God. So don’t try to find a way through life that bypasses affliction, because if you do find it, it won’t take you to heaven. But in your affliction, you need an anchor. And that’s what the psalmist says in those words that I read: If God’s Law had not been his delight he would have perished in his affliction. When the pressures, the waves and the billows swept over him, when it seemed that his tiny little vessel was going to be carried away on those monstrous billows, he had an anchor. It was God’s Law and that kept him. And so he says, with gratitude, looking back on that experience, “I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have renewed my life.” As we turn to God’s Law in the midst of our affliction we receive from it life, new life, life that wells up in spite of all the opposition and the pressures against us. Out of God’s Law and God’s Word there comes a life that is stronger and more powerful than all the forces that oppose us. - Derek Prince My friends, as I read this devotional I could not help but think how it speaks not just to us individually but to our nation, to America. If America would return to obedience to God's Law (which is the foundation of our Constitution), we would begin to see new life spring up! We would have an anchor again for this wayward, wobbly ship we've been on. The upcoming ruling in the Supreme Court will decide whether we as a nation will choose the precepts of God as our right ruling, and if we do, we will again become stronger and more powerful than all the forces that oppose us! But regardless of the court decisions and the great legal battles, we must acknowledge that it is ultimately a spiritual battle being waged in heaven and earth. So let us pray to our Mighty God to strengthen our resolve to let go of earthly things and set our hearts on the coming Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Through affliction and tribulation let us be thankful and worship Him, remembering that it is God's Law written on our hearts that keeps us!
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AuthorKelly Ferrari Mills SubscribeArchives
January 2025