Mission Trips
Taking Yeshua to the NationsMark 16:15: "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to all creation."
From 1999 to the present DoorKeeper Ministries has been taking the love of Yeshua across the globe. From Russia to Nepal & Tibet to Africa, we have reached out to bring the good news of salvation to all people, and the deeper understandings of the Torah, that all might grasp their inheritance in the Covenants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and understand the parables and teachings of Yeshua. |
Invite us for your conference or gathering |
If you have felt a stirring in your heart to learn the Hebrew roots of your faith, consider calling us for a weekend experience of worship, prayer and study that will change lives and prepare hearts for the soon return of our Messiah!
Ask us about these profound presentations, which have been awakening people in churches, retreats, and fellowships everywhere: "The Mystery Man of the Tanakh (Old Testament)" "The Feasts of the LORD" "The Glory of the LORD is Risen Upon You" Isaiah 60:1-2 This ministry is not part of any denomination or religious institution. We seek to keep the commandments of YHVH, to walk in His ways, and to make disciples of all nations, empowered by the Ruach haKodesh (Holy Spirit). We are blessed to live in a balance of Spirit (Elijah) and Truth (Moses) - with the Torah written upon the tablets of our hearts, as promised to us in Jeremiah 31:31-34 - not trying to earn our salvation by keeping Torah, but giving thanks daily for grace in Yeshua, through the atoning work of His blood! |
Door of Hope Community |
The Door of Hope Community is relocating!!!
The building we were in has been sold and we are in the process of praying and searching for our new home, and will keep you all informed as we have more updates on a new location for our Door of Hope Community. We welcome you to come through the Door of Hope - come out of your broken place, your lonely place, your wounded place through Yeshua (Jesus) who IS the Door of Hope! Join us for worship, prayer, bible studies and fellowship. If you desire to meet Yeshua, your Lord and Savior, and learn to walk with Him in His ways, come through the Door of Hope. Come as you are....leave changed and filled with Hope. Click here for more information |
All donations received by DoorKeeper Ministries are used only for the work of this ministry to teach the Word of God and bring truth and hope to all peoples and nations.
Thank you for giving from a cheerful heart and empowering us to be obedient to the Mighty One of Israel and whatever He calls us to do to advance His Kingdom! Donations are tax-deductible. |
Your Tax Deductible Support |