This trip to Israel was life-changing for us both. It was not about the "tourist sites." It was about the land and the people of Israel and what the God of Israel is doing there.
He is about a great work of RESTORATION! As we looked into the Scriptures associated with Gilgal, Jericho, Mt. Gilboa, Mt. Tabor, Shiloh, Hebron, and other places we visited, we soon saw the theme for what the Father was showing us. These were places of the gathering of all 12 tribes, or the reunification of the tribes. These were places of entering into Covenant with the God of Israel, and of the tribes claiming their inheritance. |
What He did before, He will do again! And we were blessed beyond words by the gracious hospitality and the powerful, inspiring life stories of those we met in the Land. They are people who believe God, stand firm in their right to this Covenant Land, and trust in His promises. We pray that we can walk in their footsteps and learn from their faith.
All donations received by DoorKeeper Ministries are used only for the work of this ministry to teach the Word of God and bring truth and hope to all peoples and nations.
Thank you for giving from a cheerful heart and empowering us to be obedient to the Mighty One of Israel and whatever He calls us to do to advance His Kingdom! Donations are tax-deductible. |
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