Invite us for your conference or gathering
If you have felt a stirring in your heart to learn the Hebrew roots of your faith, consider calling us for a weekend experience of worship, prayer and study that will change lives and prepare hearts for the soon return of our Messiah!
Ask us about these profound presentations, which have been awakening people in churches, retreats, and fellowships everywhere: "The Mystery Man of the Old Testament" "The Feasts of the LORD" "The Glory of the LORD is Risen Upon You" Isaiah 60:1-2 A weekend with DoorKeeper Ministries is abundantly blessed with personal prayer, teaching of the Word, and Spirit-filled music and worship of Yeshua/Jesus, our Savior and King!
We do not charge any honorarium, but request a love offering and reimbursement for our transportation. We do not require or ask for hotel rooms, as we love to stay in local host homes, making friends in Christ for life! Use the link below to contact us, or call us!
All donations received by DoorKeeper Ministries are used only for the work of this ministry to teach the Word of God and bring truth and hope to all peoples and nations.
Thank you for giving from a cheerful heart and empowering us to be obedient to the Mighty One of Israel and whatever He calls us to do to advance His Kingdom! Donations are tax-deductible. |
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